Christian Capurro | Agatha Gothe-Snape | Debra Phillips

18 November – 23 December 2011

The works in the exhibition vary dramatically in material and method. They explore the tensions between making and unmaking, between the compression of time and its residue. Collectively the works draw our attention to the labour and time-rich processes of making things in and of the world.

Through projection and geometric wall-based painting, Gothe-Snape creates playful confusion between light and form, situating time and space within a single picture plane. Capurro disrupts everyday media such as magazines and posters that celebrate consumerism, by systematically evacuating content through erasure. Phillips also employs traditional media, printing an unlimited edition newspaper with 365 candid photographs of visitors leaving the Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.

These works consider and question modes of representation in the world, quietly unpacking ideas around the individual and the collective experience, and the creation of meaning through materiality and process.