Joyce Hinterding and David Haines 2012 group exhibition ‘Light from Light’ won the Visual Arts category of the Australian Arts in Asia Awards
Announced 1 August 2013

‘Light from Light’ was an international touring exhibition of contemporary art from Australia and China. This project spanned from 2010-2012, visiting five major libraries and art museums in Shanghai, Beijing, Hangzhou and Brisbane. The exhibition featured artworks themed around the idea and properties of light, as interpreted by world-renowned Australian, Chinese and international artists. The inaugural awards, presented in Sydney on Thursday August 1, “celebrate the achievements of Australian arts celebrate the important role Australian artists and arts organisations play in enhancing our relationship with Asian countries” said The Minister of Arts, Tony Burke.
 MAAP was nominated in five categories for its major China-Australia touring exhibition ‘Light from Light’.  MAAP picked up the largest total of nominations for a single project at this year’s award ceremony.  

Haines and Hinterding's sound installation and web cast here

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